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Terrell Citizen's Police Academy
Getting Involved

Not everyone wants to get involved in the same way. On this page we might present different options to encourage others to get involved in our academy. For example:

The Citizen's Police Academy is open to all citizens who live or work in the City of Terrell. You must be at least 21 years of age, and be able to pass a background check.

Click below to obtain an Academy Application:

click here to download file

You can make a difference in you community by joining the Alumni Association.

Future Volunteer Positions

UNIT VOLUNTEER: This is the basic V.I.P. assignment. Unit Volunteers are assigned to a Terrell Police Department unit that has requested V.I.P. services. Unit Volunteers assist with clerical duties, answer the phone, etc.

WARRANT DRIVE ENFORCER: These volunteers research Class C Misdemeanor warrants (Municipal Court Warrants,usually related to traffic violations) and conduct courtesy calls to citizens to remind them of their commitment prior to officer enforcement.