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Terrell Citizen's Police Academy
About Us

Terrell Citizens Police Academy Staff


Detective M. Bulin has served with the Terrell Police Department since September of 2002. He is currently assigned the Criminal Investigation Division and is responsible for investigating property crimes.


Officer R. Lavin has served with the Terrell Police Department since April of 1991. He has over 16 years of law enforcement experience and is currently assigned to the patrol division. Past assignments have included CID, and tactical operations.


Sergeant S. Kepner has served with the Terrell Police Department since November of 1986. He is assigned to the patrol division as the senior accident investigator and is certified in accident reconstruction.


Sergeant T. Kelly has served with the Terrell Police Department since August of 1996. He is currently assigned to the patrol division. Past assignments have included narcotics, and senior citizens watch.


Sergeant McKeown has been with the Terrell Police Department since January of 1993. He has a Masters TCLEOSE Peace Officers License and is a licensed police instructor. He has a police firearms instructor certification and is currently the Terrell Police Department range master. He is a State Certified  Police Emergency Driving Instructor. Sergeant McKeown is a member of the S.W.A.T and Hazardous warrants team.


Captain R. Peavy has served with the Terrell Police Department since August of 1991. He has over 18 years of law enforcement experience and currently assigned as Captain over the criminal investigations division, Community Service Officers and jail.


Detective W. K. Newell has served with the Terrell Police Department since May of 1986 and has over 32 years of police experience. He has served with the patrol division, narcotics division, and is currently assigned to the criminal investigations division.


Officer Steve Johns has served with the Terrell Police Department since April 1993. He has held assignments with the criminal investigations and is currently assigned to the patrol division.